Hillstown Grange is holding a Comfort food dinner event on Thursday, February 27,2020 . Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Dinner of meat loaf, mashed potatoes, lasagna, baked beans and more will be served 6 to 7 pm. Cost is a donation of $5.
Our Agricultural Fair, on September 12th, growing challenge is: Vegetable - most colorful group on a 9 inch plate, does not have to be one variety just not hang off plate; Flower - Red, White, and Blue combo, any floral group that their colors come closes to the American Flag colors.
The Grange is a rural family fraternity founded in 1867, the nation's oldest general farm organization. The Grange is comprised of families and individuals who share a common interest in community involvement, agriculture, and working together in a family environment and has been serving the Hillstown area of East Hartford, Manchester, and Glastonbury for over 100 years. New members always welcome.