September 1, 2019 -- Sept. 4: Business Meeting, 7:30 P.M.
Sept. 18: Social Meeting, 7:30 P.M.
Sept. 27: GOMAD potluck and music, begins 7:00 P.M.
We are in the process of replacing the back door to the Grange Hall and that project should be finished by the time this is printed. This will make the building more secure as the old door was broken and unable to be secured from intrusion. People have been popping the lock and helping themselves to the bathroom for years. We passed our annual fire marshal’s inspection this year with no violations. Yeah! The gardens around the hall feature a number of flowers, fruits and grains. Aye has been working to develop this project. We hope to use it as a teaching tool with a group of home-schooled children. It is hoped that we can finally put on our climate change series of lectures and discussions in the fall. Complications prevented us from doing it in the spring.